Having a new curriculum? No way! I
do not like any change in the curriculum. Why? In my mind, any change in the
curriculum is a mere political interest. So the slogan “new the minister, new
the policy, new the curriculum” is my point of view about how a change in the
curriculum occurs. The mindset of “political interest” continues to rage in my
mind to raise my negative comments on curriculum changes made by the
Similarly, it occurred at the end of
2012, when I and the people of Indonesia got shocked by the reports about
changes in the curriculum to be applied in 2013. The changes were made without
proper preparation and a short time later became a headline in education column
in media, as well as a source of many negative comments about the curriculum
changes. Moreover, the reports state that the curriculum content would be much
different from those currently used. The differences include an addition in
number of learning hours, elimination of ICT subject, and elimination of
English subject and integration of science and social studies lessons into
Indonesian lesson for elementary school (SD).
The reports on the new curriculum have an
impact on parents’ objections to over elimination of English in the elementary
curriculum. The ground is nowadays English language is required in global
competition (www.voaindonesia.com, 10/12/2012). Teachers of the subjects to be
eliminated also expressed their objections with disappointment. What they have
in mind is they would lose their jobs as teachers if the subjects are
eliminated from the curriculum (www.jpnn.com, 10/14/2012). The budget for the
2013 curriculum that reaches a fantastic figure necessarily enhances the huge
number of public protests. Criticism was addressed to the government that the
curriculum changes were merely for the sake of project, not for improving the
quality of education (www.tempo.co, 06/09/2013).
The government in this case the Minister
of Education said that the curriculum changes were needed because an education
curriculum should be adapted to the demands of the times. Because times change,
the curriculum has to change, which is based more on strengthening reasoning,
no longer memorizing (www.kemdiknas.go.id, 10/12/2012). The Minister of Education also explained that the 2013
curriculum aims to produce creative people and is concerned with the moral
foundation in the learning process, so that the 2013 curriculum will not only produce
smart young people, but also good (right) and lovely people (www.antaranews.com,
Basically, to improve the quality of
education we should promote passion for change. However, the passion would not
be an appropriate outcome as targeted if only done a handful of people. Changes
must be made in all educational lines. Therefore, curriculum socialization becomes
important to draw the public attention to have the same understanding, the same
passion and the same goal in making changes to improve the quality of
The absence of resources to provide
a common understanding makes the pros and cons to the 2013 curriculum continue.
Even teachers in this case curriculum implementers can only follow the main
information about what and how the 2013 curriculum is through reports in mass
media. It is due to lack of the government’s formal socialization to teachers,
especially to teachers living in areas far from the central government.
Mass media did a good job as a
messenger. However, it was mainly based on responses of education observers,
teachers, parents, and government to the curriculum changes, both positive and
negative responses, which are not the true essence of the curriculum changes to
be applied, as required by teachers. As a result, teachers would remain
confused about the target of the 2013 curriculum implementation to be soon applied.
As what my colleagues feel, I am also
confused. Moreover, I am an inactive teacher for continuing my education. Thus,
I hardly obtain information about the curriculum changes in school. However,
this condition apparently made me know the true essence of a curriculum and
changed my point of view about the curriculum changes.
At this semester, one of the courses
I take is curriculum and teaching methodology in secondary education. My lecturer
of the course is a member of the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) in
charge of developing, monitoring the implementation, and evaluating the
National Education Standards. He is also one of the editors of the social
studies textbook for the 2013curriculum. At the beginning of his lecture,
students bombarded him with questions about the 2013curriculum. Subsequently,
he explained in detail about curriculum, particularly the 2013curriculum. He
talked about what curriculum was, how a curriculum should be, what the content
of the proposed curriculum changes was, and how the implementation process of
the curriculum that was informed to be applied in the 2013/2014 academic year
was. The detailed explanation by the lecturer eventually changed my mindset of
understanding the curriculum and its amendments. However, what about the other
teachers and the public?
In addition to the changes to be
applied to the curriculum, teachers and the public need to understand the
essence of a curriculum. Hence, there will be no statement “there are many
objections to it because they do not clearly understand about the new
curriculum” (edukasi.kompas.com, 01/07/2013).
The government may forget to
consider the breadth of Indonesia and the availability of information and
communication facilities throughout Indonesia. Consequently, the socialization process
only touched urban people, those living close to the center of government and those
who frequently use internet as a means of information, considering that the
formal socialization, monitoring and public examination of the 2013 curriculum
was conducted through internet media.
It is better if the government
thought about an effective way of socialization of the new curriculum before proclaiming
the curriculum changes. The news preceding the socialization process will certainly
get protested since people, especially teachers as curriculum implementers,
have not got the formal socialization. In fact, the news does not necessarily
give the true essence of the curriculum.
The lack of the government’s formal
guidance and socialization provokes mass media to take over the authority as
the information center on the discourse about the curriculum changes. In the
Kompas survey, media that provide information through news on the 2013 curriculum
include newspaper (31.8 percent), television (27.5 percent), and internet (15.8
percent). It is followed by formal institutions such as principals (10.4
percent) and colleague teachers (7.4 percent) (edukasi.kompas.com, 05/13/2013).
Consequently, the lack of formal guidance and socialization can lead to
protests, pessimistic attitudes of teachers and the 2013 curriculum
implementation that is not pursuant to those targeted. As what we found of the
National Assembly of Catholic Education, which initially refused it, they are
finally prepared to apply the 2013 curriculum and ready to develop it after the
explanation of the 2013 curriculum by the Ministry of Education (news.detik.com,
Mass media have a very strong
influence in establishing one’s cognition by providing information and
knowledge that can ultimately form one’s perception. The media positive impact should
be used by the government in the curriculum introduction through ads on
television. It would surely be effective in conveying information and providing
insights to the public than organizing seminars or using other media, especially
for people who live far away from the central government and are difficult to
reach directly, in addition to formal notices to teachers and local education
agencies in association with the curriculum changes.
Having a curriculum advertisement on
television that is often watched by the public will be able to establish the
public point of view of the curriculum, such as advertisements on General
Election, Family Planning Program, or Vocational School. The government could
see the impact of Vocational School advertisements on television. From schools that
was less desirable into favorite choices of parents. Why? It is of course for the slogan “SMK bisa!” broadcasted several times a
day on television.
Through television advertising the government
may inform the meaning of curriculum, the grounds of applying the curriculum
changes, what changes are made, the differences of the new and proposed
curriculum, and how it will be applied.
The curriculum socialization through
television advertising also will not only be utilized by teachers or education
department but also parents and learners. Accordingly, teachers do not need to
inform in more detail about the curriculum changes. People have known and understood
about the curriculum. Learners will also be prepared to learn the new
curriculum. Remember, learners are at the core of the implementation of the
curriculum changes. They are the main targets. Thus, to maximize the results of
the curriculum changes, the main targets need to know and get prepared instead
of adhering to the changes. Therefore, the curriculum changes will meet the
target achievement, which is to produce young, smart, good, and lovely
Socialization on the curriculum
changes through television advertising also would have an impact on the
learning process that teachers do. Moreover, it does not stop at the level of document
changes only as was the case to date. It is because students and parents should
have a grasp of how the implementation of the new curriculum in learning, thus
becoming an evaluation for teachers in implementing the new curriculum in
classroom. The control of parents and learners will indirectly boost morale of
teachers to change the implementation of their learning processes in accordance
with the demands of the new curriculum. Compliance of learning implementation
with the target set is one of the indicators of success in the process of
enhancing the quality of education. Thus, there is no reason for teachers to
dislike the changes for the better quality of Indonesian education. Finally I
said “Curriculum changes? Yes!”
*Esai ini diikutsertakan dalam ICID 2013-BNI London essay competition.Tapi sayang tidak masuk dalam finalis :)
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